Business Opportunities and Logistics: Scandinavia – Eastern Europe Case
On September 10th an international transport and logistics conference took place in Stockholm. On the initiative of the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden, the conference was organized by Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, JSC Lithuanian Railways, port of Klaipėda, Turkish-Swedish business association Sweturk and International Swedish Freight association.

The main focus of the conference – to present modern logistics possibilities and perspectives of international multimodal solutions between Scandinavia and Eastern European countries.
Participants of the event were ports, transport and logistic companies of Sweden, Lithuania and Turkey.
Guests Speakers:
Arijandas Sliupas – Vice Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Lithuania
Tautginas Sankauskas- President of Lithuanian National Assoc. Logistic
Arturas Drungilas- Marketing Director of Klaipeda State Seaport
Marius Matulaitis – Head of integration JSC (Lithuanian Railways)
Mats Olsson- Director General of Karlshamns Hamn AB
Jan Kilström- CEO of Green Cargo
Johan Röstin- CEO of Copenhagen- Malmö Port
Erik Froste- Managing Director Port of Södertelje were the speakers of the event.
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